Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Garden Trail Coffee Morning

A successful coffee morning was held on 16 March to raise funds to be shared between Moffat Book Events for the "Murder in Moffat" weekend (don't forget to buy your tickets!) and for the Garden Trail on 28 July.  (The total raised was over £400.) There were the usual stalls - cakes, books, guess the weight of the cake, bric-a-brac, etc and additionally our local "Pampered Chef" (Thomas MacDonald)  was there and any funds he raised were to additionally be used to share between those benefitting from the funds raised.  A good time was had by all and lots of folk went home with raffle prizes from the wide selection that had been donated. 

Thanks are very much due from the recipients of funds to Tina Fox and her team of helpers for organising the coffee morning.  It is well recognised that a huge amount of work goes into coffee mornings before the event. 

1 comment:

  1. As organiser of "Murder in Moffat" 20th and 21st April, I'd like to thank all who attended the Coffee Morning and which will help support the event, and the Moffat Garden Trail on 28th July. Tickets are gpoing steadily for Murder in Moffat, so don't leave it too late. After that's over I'm really looking forward to the Garden Trail!
    Katherine Clemmens
    full programme at
